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💡One Minute Coaching - "They are not motivated...what do you expect me to do about it?"

...recently heard from a consultant on an executive committee...🤸‍♂️

This sentence could not have come at a better time to close this series of posts on Demotivation 🙏

🤝I am speaking here to leadersmanagers, team leaders, to you who, if you are reading this post, are wondering about the #motivation of your employees and are probably working on the development of your #leadership.

I encourage you to consider two simple questions🎁:

❓If my employees are disengaged, they must have lost something. What have they lost?

. energy? vitality? Is the rhythm of my employees appropriate?

. interest? Haven't they come around?

. #sense? Are they in line with the company's values and culture?

. listening from #management? Trust?

❓ Then, based on the answers, what do they need?

. Is it support? Reinforcement? Permission to slow down?

. Don't they need some #training?

. Is the communication fluid, transparent? Are they listened to?

And above all, as a leader, manager, team leader, can I determine the motivations of each person, their so-called intrinsic motivations, what finally makes them get up every morning (other than 💰)?

I'll let you infuse.☕

At your disposal if you would like to discuss, contact me! 📩

Have a nice day! 👋
