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💡 [ARTICLE] In a long term position, how to overcome the fear of switching to another company?

🎈 Welcome to the Jungle France published this article at the end of April 2022, which I'm reposting here as it echoes what I personally experienced 3 years ago now.

🎨 After 19 years in the same, rather large company, I had the opportunity to join a much smaller, start-up type structure in the IT field. I was leaving a place where I had grown, matured, acquired many skills, where I felt "good" because I had landmarks, colleagues, habits, but where I finally didn't feel so "good" anymore for a lot of reasons.

👉 Yes, it took me some time to accept that I was not so "good" anymore

👉 Yes, I hesitated "what? you leave the banking convention?"

👉 Yes, I wondered what I would be worth elsewhere

👉 Yes, I was "formatted", I had well established habits

But I went beyond all that, little step by little step, and I had the opportunity to develop a bunch of other #skillsto meet a bunch of other colleagues with whom I recreated a bunch of other connections.

🤸 And it was also an opportunity for me as #HR #Humanressources to better guide employees, to better understand their motivations, their fears, their evolution needs, their transitions.

The#employeeexperience starts from the first contact for a job interview until the person leaves...

👉"It may be a detail for you, but for me it means a lot" (Michel Berger / France Gall, translation of "Il jouait du piano debout")

If the topic resonates with you, I invite you to read this article...and let it infuse! ☕

Have a nice day! 👋
